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Trends You Can Use to Improve Your Business

Carol Evenson
You need to keep up with the latest trends in order to successfully manage a business. The corporate world is rapidly changing, with new technologies and practices popping up every month. Read on to discover the latest trends that you can apply in your business.

Trust Issue

Managers under estimate trust issue. Business managers assume that employees trust the organisation, the technology, that employees trust each other, however that is often not the case. So, in 2019 you must be able to deal with trust issue.

Development as a Service

What we see in football, for example, is top players hire organizations to help them become better. The organizations focus on the players. They sit together after each match, look at the data and say "What can you do better.'' The same trend is developing in organizations.

Erosion of Employee Experience

There is more attention from organizations to employee experience. They say "We want to give our employees great experience", but mostly, the approach is top-down, "We are giving an experience". Lack of employee intimacy leads to loss of employee experience.

No More Paternalism

HR and organizations often approach issues in a paternalistic way. They say "All managers need to be coaches and employees need to be responsible for their own development", but it doesn't work that way. 80% managers are not good coaches and probably never will be. So, focus on people who are good coaches and work with them.

People Analytics

It is the ethical aspect of people analytics. With current technological progress, you can measure everything. You can track employees from moment they wake up to when they go to bed. You can gather data from all sources and analyze it. It is time you focus on ethical aspects of people analytics.

Less is More

There is a movement from big programs and a lot of initiatives to a few focused initiatives by HR. Do remember, less is more.

Big is Beautiful

Big players, like LinkedIn, Google, Workday are grabbing the market of HR tech and becoming more important. So, big is beautiful and you can expect a lot from the big players in the coming years.

Innovations Labs

In HR Innovation Labs, creative teams are experimenting with new HR solutions and also going paperless. For example, the RABO bank in The Netherlands where they are experimenting with counseling robots. So, HR Innovation Labs will be a way to find out what works and what not, before implementing wider into the organization.

Business Is About People

Managers have focused on processes and to get people to do what they want. But now the notion is coming back: management, in the end, is about people. Business managers should know about people, and how to connect people to organizations. So, focus more on people. Use these tips to bring meaningful change to your business. Keep up with latest trends.