With some simple steps you can take your website to the top of Google Search Engine Page(SERP) which will help in bringing a lot more customers (Tutorial 1).
Neena Paul
Check for URL Redirection
Check if your website is opening from only one URL, this issue is know as redirection issue. If website is opening with two different URLs like https://xyz.com & https://www.xyz.com, then search engine will read it as 2 websites.
Title of the Page
Title of the page acts as title of chapter. Search engines (SE) read it to anticipate what the content on the page is about. So choose carefully title of the page so that SE can understand what service or product is on your page to show better results on SERP. Keep title length upto 60 characters.
Check for Meta Description of Your Page
A meta description gives a little insight about the service /product of your website. SE read this to provide better results on SERP. But keep the meta description small, to around 160 characters.
Back Links
Backlinks plays a very important role in website ranking. The more backlinks your website has from good domain, the better your position will be on SERP. So make sure you create new back links every day to get best results.
A fresh original content is loved by every SE. So make sure your website has enough original content so that anyone can understand what service/product your are selling.
Hope this helps you, stay tuned to get more such tips to excel in digital marketing.