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Mission Statement Examples You Should Go Through

Every organization has a mission statement to remind itself of its goals. Here are some examples, which you can incorporate.
Arjun Kulkarni
The corporate offices of almost all companies today have a gleaming glass placard on the outside and in strategic positions all over the office, that gives their vision and mission statement which are devised as an integral part of the strategic leadership and corporate leadership exercise.
It is interesting to understand what these statements are for. Apart from the very common reason, which is to remind the employees of the core values of the company and what it intends to achieve, there is also an oft subtly hidden other utility. The mission statement given here can help you in impressing your future prospective clients.
Good mission statements are eye-catching and, let's face it, have an emotional and cognitive impact on the third person, who is inclined to appreciate what the company stands for. In a way, the statement is an effective PR mechanism, apart from the painfully obvious bit about ascertaining the company's own identity and goals.

Understand Your Business

In order to have a good mission statement, it is vital that you understand what your company stands for and symbolizes in the market. If your product is viewed in the market as fresh and youth-oriented, no doubt the subject ought to have at least a fleeting reference to the same.
For example, the Coca-Cola company understands that it is in the business of refreshment and generally their marketing strategy deals with a recurring underlying emphasis on joy.
Hence their mission statement says that they wish to 'refresh the world, inspire moments of optimism and happiness and to create value and make a difference'.

Customer Orientation

The customer likes being cajoled and pampered every now and then, hence, customer orientation and dedication to the cause of helping the customer is an essential aspect, more so when you're in the service industry.
Mission statements hardly ever get better than this one by DHL. One of the world's biggest logistics company tells the people it "... enhances the business of our customers by offering highest quality express and logistics solutions based on strong local expertise combined with the most extensive global network presence..."

Emphasis on Quality

If there is something which every statement ideally ought to include, even if it is a fake goods manufacturing company, it is an emphasis on quality. Quality is something that every person associated with the company - the owners, the employees and the customers - should always have at the back of their minds.
If there has ever been a company with which the word 'quality' has been associated - it is the Japanese car-maker Toyota that intends "To attract and attain customers with high-valued products and services and the most satisfying ownership experience in America". The high valued products and services bit ought not to go unnoticed.


If there is one word that each one of the holy triad of business - the owner, the employee and the customer - simply loves to hear, it is 'innovation'. There is something about the word that tells the reader that the company is unwilling to sit tight and stagnate, but instead move forward in a positive manner with their marketing strategies.
See the advertising campaigns of a lot of the bigger companies and they will give you some applesauce which talks about their innovation in production, which while the layman may not understand, sounds remarkably impressive.
Sports apparel company, Nike, understands this and duly incorporates it in its mission statement: to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world.
A lot of schools and assorted education bodies and charitable organizations are widely assumed to be not-for profit and hence their examples often follow a completely different tangent.
You surely cannot mention much about the innovation bit, nor is world-class customer service a big deal for people who work there. These examples are often descriptive of their work. This makes it difficult to have just one spunky line which has got all the juice.
Not for profit organizations generally have a more long-drawn out mission statements as is displayed by the CRY
CRY is a Christian charity dedicated to caring for disadvantaged, destitute and suffering children, young people and their families. CRY aims to rescue and restore young lives broken by poverty, oppression, exclusion, abuse, and to provide appropriate opportunities for a better future.
The examples for schools too continue in the same vein and emphasize on giving the best quality education to their students.
Here are three mission statements that display that these statements can exist anywhere and are an excellent way to keep employees motivated and attract clients.


Organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.


To be the world's best quick service restaurant experience. Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile.

Harley Davidson, Inc

We fulfill dreams through the experience of motorcycling, by providing to motorcyclists and to the general public an expanding line of motorcycles and branded products and services in selected market segments.
So these were some examples you can peel your eyes at and a couple of ingredients to pepper your personal one as well. All said and done, these are effective ways of asserting your goals to yourself and to others.