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How to Write a Business Vision Statement

Puja Lalwani
A vision statement provides a direction towards which your business should move for the purpose of goal achievement and progress. Here's how to write a business vision statement to give your business that much-needed direction.
Every business has certain goals that it is required to achieve within a set time period. While goal setting is one of the primary steps in establishing a solid foundation for any kind of business, a vision statement holds an important place in the process too.
A vision statement is a summary of your goals, of where you see yourself in the future, and guides you throughout allowing you to review these goals whenever you face a slump.
In simple terms, your vision statement is your definition of the success you see for your business within a given time period. A vision statement is not indefinite.
It is a statement that seeks a definite outcome and is written in an affirmative manner to keep you going until this affirmation has materialized. So how do you go about writing a business vision statement? Here are some tips that will help you out.

Helpful Tips

A business vision statement, for a small business or a large business, requires the owner to first visualize what she/he sees for her/his company in the future. In your vision statement, you will explain how things will be when you attain certain goals that you have charted out for yourself and the business.
A vision statement will not only be comprehensible by you, but by all those who will work together toward achieving these goals. This will allow it to function as a method of communication and will get everyone to be on the same page as you are.
  • Your vision statement does not involve only your perception, but also of those involved in the business with you. Whether it is your business partner, adviser, or some of your employees, you need to include them in the process of writing this vision statement. A few brainstorming sessions may be necessary to be able to write it out.
  • Start by listing out the facts about your business along with its strengths and capabilities. Also enlist your business goals.
  • The length of the vision statement is dependent on all that you want to include in it. Ideally, it should not be any longer than a paragraph, though it may exceed this limit in some cases. It definitely shouldn't be any longer than this limit.
  • Your vision statement should aptly describe where you exactly see your business say five to ten years down the line. It should have passionate terms that motivate you to instantly work to achieve the goals you have set out for the business. It should be a written document that describes the graphic mental picture you have painted for the success of the business.
  • You may have to write and rewrite the vision statement until you write one that you feel truly induces the passion within you and your employees to achieve those goals.
An example of such a powerful vision statement can be seen in Amazon's (an Internet retail website) vision statement:

Our vision is to be earth's most customer centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.
This vision statement clearly defines their goals for the future by stating it in appropriate terms. So that this goal is achieved, Amazon will continue doing what it must to make the website user-friendly and the best in delivering goods that are ordered off it.
As you can see, a vision statement is an emotional document that allows you to achieve what you have pictured in your imagination. Without a vision statement, your business will lack direction, and you will find it difficult to take the next step toward achieving your goals. Write and paste your vision statement anywhere you and your employees will see it within your office. 
Not only will it motivate you, it will also allow you to think creatively of newer ways in which you can achieve these goals. Refrain from noting down any obstacles or negative thoughts you may face while trying to achieve your goals.
Your job is to overcome these obstacles and materialize your dreams. Your vision statement can keep changing based on your goals. It is not and should not be set in stone. Good luck!