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How to Ensure the Online Safety of Your Business

Kevin Gardner
No matter, if you’re a large, multinational corporation or a small business operating in a little shop, online security should be high on your agenda. It’s easy to think that a small business might not be at risk because there’s not much to steal. The truth, however, is that almost half of the data breaches that occurred in 2019 affected small businesses.

Update Your Systems and Software

Hackers will often scan systems for outdated software and operating systems. Systems that are out of date are easier to get into, increasing your business’ risk of getting hacked. Updates become available fairly frequently and can help to address potential vulnerabilities. Install them as soon as they become available.

Set Up A Firewall

A network firewall is vital for keeping threats out and information in. Every computer, laptop, and mobile devices used in your business should have protection, as should your servers. Like your software and systems, your firewall should be updated regularly to ensure optimal protection.

Install Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware

Your business should also be running anti-virus and anti-malware software. While you might think that you or your employees won’t fall victim to a phishing email, it does happen. These emails install malware onto the computer when they’re opened. Your anti-virus and anti-malware work to identify threats and remove them, keeping your computers safe.

Secure Your Wi-Fi

Leaving your Wi-Fi open means that anyone can connect and potentially threaten it. Instead of leaving it open, make sure that your wireless network is secured with a strong password. You can encrypt and hide it as well, making it more difficult for hackers to find. Passwords are recommended and make sure to change them regularly.

Back-Up Regularly

Make sure that you regularly backup all data on your computers (databases, spreadsheets, human resources files, etc.). This ensures that you have access to the latest files and data should a breach occur, minimizing the loss of essential information. You can set your computers to perform backups automatically or you can manually perform backups weekly.

Protect Your Devices

Devices like laptops, tablets, and smartphones are vulnerable to theft or can be lost. Take steps to protect at-risk devices and the data they contain. Lock laptops and other devices when they’re not in use. Install remote tracking software on your devices and encrypt them.

Train Your Employees

Employee education is vital for the online safety of your business. Even the most state-of-the-art security measures can’t protect your business if your employees don’t know what to look for. Train your employees to be able to identify phishing scams or other potential threats.