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How Do I Help My Business Grow?

Understanding marketing basics and knowing how to advertise your business is essential for being successful.
Kevin Gardner
Understanding marketing basics and knowing how to advertise your business is essential. If the world doesn’t know that you exist, how can you gain new clientele? If your company is just a baby one that is learning how to toddle, start early with some amazing advertising and business solutions to give you a running start.

Hire Amazing Employees

It is a universal truth that good help is hard to find, but when you use an applicant tracking system to help narrow down your results then it’s a little easier.
This specialty software can help you set parameters to find exactly the talent you’re looking for, filter your results however you want to filter them and can generate an offer letter using professional templates. Plus, applicant tracking software makes posting a job online simple and the application process is easy and user-friendly for applicants.
When you look for new hands, remember the golden rule: Trainability is more important than experience.
Someone might have a dozen years of experience in the field but lack communication skills or be rude and unprofessional once you get to know them a little better.
Alternatively, another applicant might have only six months in the field but show signs of being enterprising and self-motivated, a quick learner who can get the job done quickly and professionally.
You are always rolling the dice when you hire a new employee, but remember that mountains of experience are not always what makes an applicant perfect for the job.

Make Your Website Stand Out

“Do you have a website?” is usually the first question that prospective clients will ask you when you discuss your business with them, so be prepared to answer with a prompt “Yes, I do!” and a URL ready to go.
These days, 92% of consumers check a company’s website before deciding to give their business to them. With that statistic in mind, it puts into perspective just how important a stellar website is to a small business.
Remember as you build yours to include the items that consumers are looking for the most:
  • The 'About Us' section.
    Customers want to know who you are, where your company came from and what your story is. It helps them to identify with you and understand your roots, which in turn can make them feel more comfortable with you.
  • Current and easy-to-find contact information.
    We’ve all been to a website where finding someone to reach out to is almost impossible, and that is so annoying that it makes you not want to bother anymore. Don’t be that company. Make your contact information very obvious and post it in more than one place.
  • Clear navigation.
    Having your navigation bar close to the top of the page is the industry standard in building websites, and changing the layout might confuse viewers. Make your menu clear, concise and easy to see to prevent frustrated users from leaving on the spot.

Be Active on Social Media

Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter:
Consumers are looking for your company on social media. According to research, consumers who have a good experience via social media with a company are 71% more likely to recommend it to friends and family. Therefore, it’s more important to be a regular presence on social media than the occasional status update.
If you don’t do social media and don’t have a clue how to run it, there are marketing specialists who not only know how to craft amazing social media posts, but they also know how to conduct research and collect marketing data for advertising purposes.
Your company might be very small for now, but the more advertising tactics that you utilize the more recognized it will be. One day you will be a big business, but in the meantime take steps to get there.
Understanding marketing basics and knowing how to advertise your business is essential. If the world doesn’t know that you exist, how can you gain new clientele? If your company is just a baby one that is learning how to toddle, start early with some amazing advertising and business solutions to give you a running start.