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Data Organization for Business Purposes

Lindsey Patterson
For most businesses, growth can only be achieved in this day and age by relying heavily on customer relationship management technology (CRM). The goal of CRM software is to track all interactions with customers to help improve business relationships. For this to work, the software has to rely on tons of data.

The Process of Cleaning Data

The process of data cleaning helps find corrupted entries and errors to delete or correct. Steps may be taken to ensure the same errors do not happen again.
The cleaning will include:
  • Deleting duplicate, missing or inaccurate data entries
  • Monitoring trends in errors that may indicate a larger issue
  • Avoiding data from third-parties

1: Improves Efficiency of Sales and Marketing

The marketing and sales teams are often the ones who feel the greatest effects of having "dirty" data which contains inaccuracies. Clean data makes it easier to create effective marketing campaigns that can increase customer retention rates.

2: Improves Decision Making

Customer data is necessary for effective decision making. Inaccurate data can influence bad decisions to be made in many departments such as marketing, customer service, product development and more. When it comes down to it, clean data is crucial for the support of better business intelligence and analytics.

3: Productivity Increases

When your database is maintained properly and kept clean, productivity will increase throughout the organization. Dirty databases often result in multiple departments wasting time trying to make sense of inaccuracies. When it comes to customer service, inaccurate information can lead to bad customer experiences.

4: Better Customer Insight

Clean, accurate data can allow businesses to gain insight into who their customers are. This insight is valuable and can help you improve your services and products, marketing methods and customer service communications. Analyzing clean data may uncover new opportunities your business can take advantage of.

5: Increase in Revenue

Some organizations may get the added benefit of increased revenue due to cleaning their database. Removing clutter from your database allows the organization to work seamlessly and more efficiently.
Clean data can ensure time-sensitive information gets sent to the correct addresses found in the database. Customers can be reached quickly and conveniently.