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How to Start a Home-based Candle Making Business

Madhumita Shivade
Do you want to give you creativity in candle making a wider scope? Then why not create a business out of this? Keep reading to know more...
Candle making is fun and one of the best small business ideas. You can actually let your creativity loose, by trying your hand at preparing various types of candles like pillar candles, taper or dinner candles, gel candles, floating candles, container or filled candles, specialty candles or even aroma therapy candles, tea-light candles, scented candles, etc.
These types of candles have a good market in various festivals like Christmas, New year, Thanksgiving and many more. Candles are used for different occasions such as, dinners, birthdays and anniversaries. Nowadays, candles are also used as decorative pieces for interiors. So I think candle business is a good idea for housewives, teenagers, or rather anyone. Here are a few things that you need to know before starting a candle making business from home.

Learn and Earn

Before starting a candle business from home, make sure you know how to go about it. Only if your products have quality, profits are sure to pour in. People always prefer quality. If you are sure that you want to go ahead with this business, and still don't know candle making, learn it. Search for a good course and learn to make various types of candles.

Latest Information

Gather lot of information about the various types of candles that could be made at home. You can start by visiting places where candles are sold. Exhibitions, gift shops, stationery shops are a few places from where you could gather some really useful information. Take a look at the pricing of the candles.
See the detailing of every candle, try to make out what quality of wax is used, observe the decoration that is used for them. If they are packed, look at the kind of packing they are into. Making a note of such things will help you get gain practical knowledge about candles.
Some questions such as what are they priced upon, how exactly do they come into the market, is their durability noticeable at first glance, etc may come to your mind. The answers to these questions will make you understand better, what goes into candle making.

The Business

Capital investment is something that you'll obviously need, so decide on how much you are going to spend on this venture. Be ready for the profits as well as the losses that might occur through the business. Start by making simple candles, on which you can rework, if they happen to turn out badly.
It is always best to have a trial and error session so that before you finalize your samples, so that you already know what mistakes can occur. Improvise on your work till you get the best finishing and quality of your candles. Your candles should be known for their uniqueness, so plan accordingly, whether they will be known for their unique shape that might capture the market, or the uniqueness of their packing, their quality, durability, etc.

Marketing Strategies

As far as marketing is concerned, show your samples to a few super markets, grocery stores. Also, if you have learned and are good at aromatherapy candle making, make a few samples and try showing them to a few spas, where they are mostly used.
You can also put on an exhibition to display some of your own candles. This can also be one of the strategies of marketing your candles.

Hard Work and Positive Attitude

You might have to struggle and work a little hard in the initial stages, till your candles reach the masses and make it big in this business, but hold on till you have done you part completely. Do not step back. Dedicate yourself to what you are doing. Build this business step by step. Be patient.
Once you are well settled in this business explore new ideas of candle making, for example, making a candle holder, wedding candles, paraffin candles, special birthday candles, gel candles, etc.
Right now in the interior décor industry, candles are one of the most bought interior artifacts. So if you take this business seriously, you'll definiately enjoy your profits and at the same time, earn a name for yourself. Good luck!