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Amazing Ideas for Business Proposal

Medha Godbole
Business proposals need to be appealing enough to entice the target opponent. Here are some interesting business proposal ideas.
Some of us always dream of becoming entrepreneurs. It is certainly a good option, basically because you are your own master, and you need not listen to anyone or take orders.
But for starting your own business, you will need capital. Not everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Lack of financial backup can be very dampening; therefore, you have to resort to borrowing money.
To get a loan from a bank or even to ask an established firm to finance, there has to be a concrete and impressive business proposal. Now, this has to be very carefully crafted and presented, because what you write here is going to get you money.

Simple Ideas for a Business Proposal

Point 1

Anything related to the internet - article directory, video website, gaming, e-commerce, etc., is one of the simplest and most lucrative proposals. With a little bit of adroitness and business sense, these can recover the money you had invested in setting up the business.

Point 2

Stimulate and rediscover your creative side by involving arts and crafts. If it clicks, nothing like it. Handmade products are received well by potential customers. The money will definitely pour in, once the products are established with consumers.

Point 3

Normally, a person just gives a written proposal. So, to create a better impression on those who are into financing, you can go for visual business proposal. It can be made into one of those really creative ones by adding pictures, videos, voice overs and the like to support your proposal.
You have to be really well prepared about the project. You cannot just give the file and leave the rest for the financier to evaluate. The equipment you use for the presentation will have to be set up prior to the presentation, and you have to be thorough with it.

Point 4

Proposal can be put across through a template if you do not have a clue about what it looks like. Even through these templates you can get ideas for proposing a business. A proposal for offering services, like educational consultant or even marriage, psychiatrist, and clinical counselor too, can work as an idea.

Point 5

Speaking is a very effective form of communication and just by the way you speak, you can get your work done. One of the ideas would be to make a verbal presentation.
Akin to the presentation with visual aids, here you have to be clear and absolutely concise as to what you are going to say. There is hardly any scope for mistakes and goof ups, because there is no computer for your help. Written handouts will have to back the verbal presentation, which has to be to the point and neither too long, nor too short.
You will get many more such ideas online. So just cash in on them, see if they suit you, and impress the financiers with an impeccable business proposal!
If you are thinking of writing one, which you would in most cases, then make sure it is clear, jargon-free, and emphasizes on communication rather than impressing the financiers. And, make sure it 'looks' good. Packaging sells and in this case, it definitely does.