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Best Self-Employment Ideas

Puja Lalwani
It's time to ditch the day job and get started on your own. Take a look at some of the best self-employment ideas for you to choose from.
Self-employment is one of the best ways to make the money you've always wanted, without having to be answerable to anybody. A lot of you may assume, 'If I'm so good at my job, why don't I just do it for myself?'
However, self-employment is not everyone's cup of tea, yet something you must try to do for the feeling of satisfaction that is derived from being able to do something for yourself, by yourself.
The only way to understand whether you are meant to be self-employed is by giving it a shot. If you are a risk-taker, you will welcome this opportunity with open arms. If you are not, you can probably start with something small, so that the risk of loss is lower, and then decide whether or not you want to or can continue with it.

Easy Self-Employment Ideas

There are benefits of being self-employed: the comfort of choosing your work hours, work place, and the ability to keep the profits to yourself.
On the other hand, being self-employed means you are responsible for every little thing that your business involves, and its success and failure depends entirely on you.
Choosing a field for self-employment begins with first listing what you want to do - is it a product or a service that you want to provide? This largely depends on your interest in the field. If you are entering a field simply because you think you can make more money in it, but are not even interested in it, there is no point of plunging into the business.
Next, you move on to checking whether there is a market for your product or service. If you cannot take huge risks, you should probably stick to a field where a market has already been established, with something new to offer. Here are some ideas you can start off with.


Those of you who love cooking can easily start a catering business for events such as birthday parties, corporate parties and weddings.
If you want to get into just a niche within the field of cooking, your options can spread out to cakes for weddings and other occasions, just desserts, or other baked goods such as breads and cookies.
You could even start catering only to vegetarians and vegans, as some of them usually have a hard time finding food suitable to their preferences. Ensure that you do your research well though.

Event Photography

If you have a knack for photography, you could easily make money using your skills to photograph events.
Be it a product launch or a wedding ceremony, having the basic equipment for photography is the perfect way to get started.
Starting a business in this field is a great idea because the demand for this niche is never going to reduce. There will always be grand events and people required to cover them. You could be one of these people.

Wedding Planning

Wedding planning is a low risk self-employment idea, because to be one, you are actually investing nothing but your time. 
To be a wedding planner, you must have good people skills and good organizational skills. The job of a wedding planner is to essentially get together different organizations that are necessary to conduct a wedding successfully.
While the preferences may change with each wedding, the basics essentially remain the same. Your job is to supervise everything, and ensure that everything is done on time. Think you have it in you? Then go for it; the wedding industry is a billion dollar industry, so why not make some for yourself?


No matter how many places and times you have read this, selling crafts is one of the best small businesses you can engage in.
When we talk of crafts your choice is endless. From paper mache, to painting, to embroidering, to making candles, to designing wall hangings, to making costume jewelry and jewelry boxes, you could just go on. In fact, you could paint scarves and sell them, or paint funny graphics on t-shirts.
Shoe graphics is a new idea for people.The idea is to create interesting graphics on plain canvas shoes by simply painting them.
Since you are already creative you know how unique you can make your crafts. Start right now, and see how far you can go in this line.


Use your knowledge of any particular field to become a consultant in the field. If you think you need to hone your skills a little before you become a consultant, do it.
Don't be apprehensive because you may definitely know a lot more than people do, and can effectively help out people through consulting. Be it a marketing consultant, business consultant or a dating consultant; giving advice to those who are in need of it is a great way to make some money.
This is one of the best ideas for self-employment because you can even do it online. You don't have to meet your clients in person, unless of course you have to make a presentation. Think about it.
If you delve into these ideas a little more, you will see their worth and their potential to help you grow and create your own business opportunity.