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Benefits of an Open Floor Plan in Your Office

Kevin Gardner
The open floor plan has become increasingly popular over the past several decades for all types and sizes of office spaces. Here are some reasons why your business may benefit from an open office plan.

View Processes and Procedures Easily

Overseeing your workforce is simple when you arrange workspace in an open environment. With open office plan, you can view what is going on with different employees or departments simultaneously, which can save time and energy that could be dedicated to other tasks.
You can address many people at once without having to call an office wide meeting or send email in hope that they will look away from their work to read it. You can see if new procedures you brainstorm will work at a larger scale, while watching employees interact and work with one another.

Works in Any Space

Because of its simplicity, the open floor plan is incredibly easy to implement in any type of office space. For instance, if you are renting a room or building on a temporary basis, or your own business is going through renovations, you can arrange your workspace the way you normally would without having to worry about walls or cubicles.
For example, if you are moving to a Toronto Office Space, it should be relatively easy to unpack your furniture and resume work without worrying too much about the logistics of the change. It encourages flexibility with your employees as well.

Better Teamwork

Open office plans have been shown to be good for employee productivity. If your employees are close to each other, it will encourage collaboration. In addition, if your company is divided into smaller teams, an open plan is easy to move around to make miniature, smaller spaces for different departments.
You can still offer them privacy and less distraction from other departments within the business, but the micro versions of the open space allows them to collaborate effectively for goals specific to their team. It is easier to lean over to ask a coworker their opinion than to send an email or get up and walk to their cubicle.

Accomplish Company-Wide Goals

Another huge benefit of having an open office space is that your entire company can work together as a team to meet a common goal, such as an overall financial goal or a number of new customers and leads. Make sure to have a list of goals and steps to reach them posted publicly.
Whenever you introduce a new goal for your business to work towards, make sure to connect it to the mission of the company, and try to implement it in a way that best takes advantage of your open plan workspace.

Budget Friendly

When you are operating within a budget, it is integral to make sure that you try to save money in your business whenever possible. Having an office plan that is open is one of the easiest ways to cut costs. For example, you do not need to invest in cubicles and individual workspaces for majority of your employees.
You can also operate integrated networks and avoid costly process of moving heavy furniture. Instead, many of the pieces for these types of spaces are easy to swap out and arranged according to the needs of your company.
Having an open office plan is a wonderful way to increase productivity and employee morale in your business or company. With these advantages, you are guaranteed to be able to accomplish anything your team can set their mind to with an environment that is collaborative and ultimately more successful.