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5 Things You Didn’t Know About Howard Fensterman - Long Island’s No. 1

Modern Times
Howard Fensterman isn’t just a litigation attorney. He is invested in his cases and has been known to take a personal interest in healthcare as well as fraud.
If there is anyone deserving of a lifetime achievement award, it is Howard Fensterman. Not only is Fensterman a prestigious lawyer; he is also a philanthropist and an avid mineral specialist. Here are just a few of Fensterman’s accomplishments and hobbies.


Howard Fensterman is dedicated to raising awareness for eldercare, drug addiction, medical technology, and various diseases including Crohn's and Colitis.

Because of his activism, Fensterman was elected to the Board of Trustees for the Chrohn’s and Colitis Foundation. He is an active supporter of Israel Children’s Cancer Foundation.

Fraud awareness

In one of Howard Fensterman’s most famous cases, he represented the American Gulf Insurance Company in a suit against the United Arab Emirates and members of the Arab royal family for defrauding 36 investors.

This case led him to create the website “InvestINUAEFraud.com”, where potential investors are alerted to international scams.

Became a literary character

Because of Fensterman’s philanthropy, he caught the eye of author Nelson Demille. Demille immortalized Howard by putting him into two books.

In his novel Panther, Howard is portrayed as an agent with attachments to Yemen. In Radiant Angel, the supervisory agent of the FBI New York office is modeled after him.

Founded his own law firm

Howard Fensterman graduated law school in 1978, and he went on to be the founder of the Abrams, Fensterman Law Firm in 2000.

His firm has grown since then to include more than 85 qualified attorneys, and the firm works on major cases to this day.

An expert on minerals

Howard Fensterman finds the time to collect and explore the mineral and gem world when he gets the chance.

He is renowned for his expertise and has even created the website “HowardFenstermanMinerals.com”, where you can find informative blogs on minerals and gems.
Howard Fensterman is an ambitious lawyer who has created his own legacy by building his law firm and leaving his mark on the world with his knowledge and charitable contributions.